Hari ni macam biasalah aku pergi kerja. Tapi bezanya aku harini macam tak semangat je. Tak tau lah kenapa. Ape yang aku buat semua rasa malas. Nak menjahit pun asyik salah jer. Banyak kali kene bukak semula jahitan tu. Aku sungguh tak serius hari ni. Banyak benda yang berlaku yang aku tak dapat nak tulis dalam ni.

Tak banyak yang berlaku hari ni. Keletihan dah mula melanda di jiwa ni. Terasa sangat macam tak nak menjahit dah. Haha.. Of kos aku suka menjahi tapi maksud aku ialah menjahit baju yang aku design. Bukannya baju yang biasa ni.. contohnya macam baju kurung. Bukan nya nak demand sangat kan tapi harini perasaan tu terlintas kat diri aku ni. Macam mane pon aku tau kene start dari bawah dulu kan. Pastu cari lah jalan nak naik kan. Haha

Tapi tadi time nak balik ada lah kelakar sikit. Aku naik KTM dari stesen Bank Negara ke Sentul dulu Kemudian die patah balik pi Batu Tiga. Bukan apa la... sebab alas nak berdiri je.. haha. Time nak pi sentul ni depan aku ada sorang budak pompan ni. Baru habis SPM katenyelah. Aku tengok die ni lain macam je. Tengok ke luar tinggkap macam gelisah je. Lepastu ada pengumuman dah nak sampai stesen sentul. Time tu lah die dah cuak gile. Bila dah berenti die tanya aku kenapa train ni tak lalu segambut? Hahaha.. rupanya salah train da. Die punyalah frust.... Dah lahh baru sampai dari melaka. Salah train lak tu... Penat sangat kot sampai salah train. Tapi lepas tu die naik train betul lah.

Hopefully somthing great will happen to me tomorrow. I really need it.


Terdapat beberapa ketegori bantal dan perwatakan...

1. Memeluk Bantal

Mereka yang suka memeluk bantal biasanya berjiwa seni. Mereka mempunyai penghargaan yang tinggi terhadap lukisan, musik dan sastera. Perasaan mereka halus dan jiwa mereka romantik. Kadangkala ada yang boleh membaca peristiwa yang akan berlaku melalui mimpi. Mereka juga sangat prihatin terhadap kesusilaan.

2. Menggunakan Banyak Bantal

Mereka biasanya kurang berkeyakinan. Dalam kehidupan seharian mereka memerlukan banyak pendamping. Mereka jarang membuat keputusan sendiri, sebaliknya menndapatkan pandangan orang lain.

3. Tidur Dengan Satu Bantal

Mereka jenis boleh menerima keadaan seadanya. Mereka juga membuat keptusan berdasarkan fikiran dan bukan nya nafsu.

4. Meletakkan Bantal Di Bawah Kaki

Mereka mempunyai sifat kurang baik. Mereka jarang bergaul dengan orang ramai, malah kaku dalam pergaulan. Inik menyebabkan mereka cenderung bersifat egois. Mereka juga gemar menempuuh jalan pinntas untuk mencapai cita-cita. Mereka tidak suka berusaha.

5. Tidur Tanpa Bantal

Mereka memiliki sifat percaya diri yang sangat tinggi. Kadangkala sifat percaya diri ini akhirnya akan membawa kepada sifat ego.

6. Tidak Punya Bantal

Kesihan betul..... pergi kedai belilah satu.


Hari ni aku tak kerje tapi pergi belajar jahit manik. Dengar macam remeh kan? tapi punyalah leceh nak jahit manik ni. Baru belajar memang lambat tapi lama-lama 1 hari 3-4 pasang baju boleh siap dijahit manik. Kat tempat kerja aku ni, kitorang bagi orang lain jahit manik. Name brother ni Salim dari pakistan tapi dah 15 tahun kat Malaysia. Punyalah cantik die jahit manik. Aku pown emmmm... envy lah ape lagi. So hari tu bos aku suruh aku belajar jahit manik. Senang katanya bila dah ada semua skill. ALANG-ALANG MENYELUK PERKASAM BIARLAH KE PANGKAL LENGAN. Haha... seronok tul dapat peluang nih...

So hari ni aku dapat belajar banyak skill untuk jahit manik. Ada orang kata beli je buku panduan jahit manik, tak yah nak susah-susah pi belaja. Sendiri pon boleh belaja. Memang betul boleh tapi dalam buku tak tunjuk cara paling mudah nak jahit manik. Kadang-kadang tu langsung tak paham ape arahan nya. Yang aja pon sama baya ngan aku. Dia ni anak bos aku.... Baik orang nya. Boleh kata sekepala ngan aku.

Semalam die bawak aku pi kedai yang jual manik berkualiti. Memang bagus tempat tu. Manik pon murah. Kualiti pon elok. Manik ni nak tau elok kualiti ke tak check manik tu dibuat dekat mane. Kalau made in china potongan manik tu tak sama panjang. Tapi kalau made in Japan memang pasti good kualiti. Don't ask me why sebab aku pon tak pasti kenapa. Tapi benda ni betul. Pastu berborak lah dengan tuan punya kedai tu. Rupa-rupanya dia ni designer. Dulu die kerja dengan Bill kith. Die ambik upah jahit manik je untuk baju kurung RM200 ++ sepasang. Amacam? ada untung tak jahit manik ni??? haha. Kalau nak ikutkan aku dah suka lak jahit manik daripada menjahit... haha... bukan apa, risikonya kureng. Kalau menjahit nak kene potong kain, pastu kalau salah potong puas lak nak cari jalan betulkan. Tapi kalau manik. Duduk je kat mane-mane boleh buat. Kalau salah senang je nak bukak. Manik tak rosak, baju pon tak dak pape.

Emm.... esok dah kene start keje semula. Belum pape bos dah suruh datang esok pagi siapkan baju yang ada kat meja butik tu. Kepenatan gile. Tapi waktu kerja tak terasa penat. Cuma bila dalam train nak balik kepenatan nya tak terkata. Anyway, impian ku akan aku kecapi. GENGAM BARA API BIAR SAMPAI JADI ARANG. Ceh... semangat nih...

Mula Hidup Baru

Sekarang ni semua yang lepas dah jadi sejarah. YANG BAIK DIJADIKAN TELADAN, YANG BURUK DIJADIKAN SEMPADAN. Banyak perkara yang berlaku kat aku secara tak sedar. Kadang-kadang ada perkara yang aku buat tak aku sedari dan ada yang aku buat menyakitkan hati. Tapi nak jaga hati orang disekeliling amat penting buat aku. Sebab aku ni kadang-kadang kalau sakit hati ngan orang lain aku ni suka cakap bermadah-madah. Sampai kekadang orang pown tak sedar yang sebenarnya aku menyindir die.

Tapi yang paling aku terasa tu bila orang tak hargai bila aku dah tolong atau bantu. Aku bukan mintak dibalas ke bantuan tu, cuma sekadar di hargai tu cukup lah. Tak mati kot menghargai orang kan. Sendiri ingat lah kan. Bila benda sama berlaku kat batang hidung sendiri bukan main lagi melenting tapi kat orang lain taknak lak hargai kan. Ish pelik tul. Selfish sungguh kan. Bak kat pepatah HABIS MADU SERPAH DIBUANG.

Tapi thanks lah yang masih hargai aku kan. Bukan semua tapi sebilangan jer yang membuat aku berkecil hati. Huhu.. Terutama yang aku anggap kawan baik tapi menghampakan... ish ish...

Dulu rasa give up giler tapi sekarang ni Alhamdulillah rezeki yang diberikan oleh Allah. Aku dah mulakan perjalanan hidup yang baru. Maksud aku sekarang ni dah mula berkerja lah. Aku nak tumpukan betul-betul kat bidang yang aku dah study selama dua tahun nih... apa lagi Fashion Design lah... Aku taknak lah tukar-tukar bidang lak kan, nanti YANG KEJAR TAK DAPAT, YANG DIKENDONG BERCICIRAN. Aku dapat kerja ni pown dengan tak sengaja.. Haha...

Sebenarnya aku belajar menjahit je kat tempat ni, tapi ada satu hari ni aku dok cerita ngan Puan yang dok ajar aku ni, terkeluar kat mulut aku ni cakap ingat nak cari kerja. Hah... sekelip mata jer die kate huh... bagus lah tu.. kita sekarang ni nak cari pekerja sebab ada sorang budak ni nak berhenti. So terus die offer aku kerja... Haha... senang kan?? Memang senang dapat, tapi lepas tu baru aku tahu tanggungjawab nye besau lah pulak. Aku bukan menjahit je tapi kene urus butik tu dengan sorang budak pompan ni. Aku panggil die ida. So kalau aku tak tau apa-apa aku tanya arr kat die. Rupanya Puan tadi tu dah plan kalau aku dah ok kat butik tu, Ida ni akan uruskan butik lain so aku lak yang kene uruskan butik tu. Takut gak aku dengar. haha... Tapi Alhamdulillah kalau aku dah diberi peluang aku akan buat baik-baik.

Aku kerja baru seminggu tapi banyak aku dapat belajar dan ramai orang aku dapat berkenalan. Daripada student yang buat practikal sampailah ke designer aku dapat kenal. Maybe tempat aku kerja tu tak lah nampak vouge sangat kan sebab die nya target bukan kat golongan yang banyak duit. TETAPI.... still menyeronokan. Aku dan beberapa kekawan baru aku yang kerja kat butik nih akan diberi peluang untuk design Busana Muslimah bagi pengantin, evening dress dan apa-apa baju yang sesuailah. Buat masa ni semua ok. Cuma yang menyeramkan bila customer ambik baju... Haha... mane taknya bayang kan kalau diorang datang nak ambik baju yang diorang dah tempah, tetiba baju tu bukan macam yang die nak puas nak menjawab, menjahit semula.. paling teruk kene ganti arrr... baru seminggu kerja pown dah dapat tengok customer datang marah-marah... sampai Partner aku Ida nak nangis dah kegeraman... kalau nak ikutkan hati die.. mau je di maki balik tapi ape nak buat CUSTOMER ALWAYS RIGHT.... hampeh tul... haha....

Anyway... seronok kerja kat situ sebab Bos pown sporting... bayangkan tengah dok jahit baju nih... Bos datang die duduk pastu dengan nada berbisik-bisik, die panggil kitorang datang... pastu die kata....

" mai lah sini, letak dulu baju tu karang sambung lah... jom lah kita mengumpat orang..."

hahaha.. sporting gilerkan bos aku... bila dah sampai dateline..Baru kelam kabut nak siapkan baju.. Tapi bila tgh mood tak elok sangat... garang tul... huhu.. Tapi mostly macam nak pecah perut dibuatnya... Bos sendiri kekadang ketawa sampai die kata....

"rasa macam nak terkencing la.... kelakar betul... karang kalau i terkencing baju customer banyak.. nanti i pinjam pakai... sogo dekat jer... i terus gi shoping.. " haha... sporting giler kan... tu yang seronok tu...

Tapi keletihan tak terhingga... bukan letih kerja tapi letih sebab perjalanan nak p dan balik kerja. Dari rumah naik moto pi KTM. Pastu menunggu KTM yang tak tetap masa. Kekadang tunggu sejam baru ada KTM. Pastu dah naik nak tunggu sampai kat stesen bank negara lagi. Kalau ramai orang kene lah aku berdiri selama 45 minit. Dah sampai kene jalan melintasi jambatan yang agak manyushkan pastu melintasi jalan-jalan yang busy baru sampai. Balik pown sama. Keluar rumah kol 7 pagi... habis kerja pukul 7 tapi sampai rumah kol 9. Pastu makan dinner mata dah ngantuk tido... begitulah seterusnya... kejutan masa aku... haha.... tapi Alhamdulillah aku bershukur dapat cari kerja ngan rezeki yang halal.

Giving Up.........

Wow... i don't know why suddenly i'm thingking of giving up everything i do. Sounds like i'm weak huh? I'm always positive thinking, i'm always look foward, and i always belive in my self. But... i don't know why but all of that spirit gone slowly.

Now i'm thinking what should actually i do in my life? I'm always pleased people, make people happy, help people when they need help... i do everyting for other people. I do love to make people happy and help them. But this word keep playing in my mind,

"Azhar... you too soft.. too kind to other people.. you keep helping people although you your self are not happy... people are and always step on your head and use you for their on good.."

Those word was from my lecturer during my last day at Stamford College. Everything mix up in my mind. Well like what my lecturer said... i do have lots of friend but i don't really have real friend. Actually i'm so confius until i don't know what is the truth and what is not. What is lie and what is not. I know people don't really care about me because i'm just a person that good in listening to the problem but not to enjoy with. What my lecturer said are all true.

I'm so confius until i don't really know what to do. I put a side the thing that i love to do. I'm not being my self. I keep thinking what i do for others are all useless. I'm not good person. I don't know what to do. I wrote this on my blog because i have nobody to tell all of this. Keep listening to others but end up i don't know to whom should i talk to. I don't want to troubling other people with my problem but.... i stuck within my self.... and this word just come across my mind.... GIVE UP!!


Hei guyz.. seperti mana yang kita tahu bukan perempuan sahaja mempunyai bentuk badan yang berbeza tetapi lelaki juga mempunyai bentuk badan yang berbeza. Anda pasti tahu bentuk badan anda bukan? Selalunya bagi golongan lelaki mereka tidak memperdulikan sangat cara pemakaian mereka tetapi bagi yang mementingkan penampilan yang bergaya (heterosexual) sudah pasti mereka menjaga segalanya secara terperinci. Kali ini saya akan memberikan tips untuk si jejaka.

Now, the male body shape chart.


-bottom heavy
-chest is narrower than the hips
-lower body is heavier than your upper body
-probably also have a slopping shoulder line

Ultimate goal

-to create the appearance of brader, squarer shoulders


-do wear jacket with shoulder pads
-jacket, shirt and t-shirts shoulder seams no wider then the edge of the shoulder

Inverted Triangle

-shoulders and chest are broad
-shoulder, arm and chest muscles are well developed and bulky
-the waist and hips are narrow
-upper body havy then lower body

Ultimate goal

-balance the lower body and upper body


-wearing trousers with straight or wide legs
-shirts, t-shirts and jackets should be fit well


-chest, hip, waist same width
-straight shape

Ultimate goal

-creating illusion of a trapezoid shape


-choose style that emphasize the shoulder


- perfect male body shape
- shoulders and chest are broad
-waist and hips are medium-narrow
-upper bigger than lower


-can wear variety of styles

Rounded / Oval / Apple

- Have large stomach

Ultimate goal

- create the appearance of a longer and slimmer illusion


-never wear horizontal stripe shirt. Wear vertical
-always use dark colour shirt (sometimes it
depending on the color of your skin)



Well as we talk about body shapes, there are different body shape based on the body measurement such as bust size, waist measurement, hip size and etc. So why do i mention about that because different body shape usually have different style to wear.

Let say you have big bust size but your body is not really big. In this situation what should you wear? What suit you and what's not?

Secondly, you have big hip size but your body is normal or we call it pear shape. For pear shape people they have different style that suit with them.

It is important for you to know what body shape are you. The clothes which will flatter you the best will depend on your body shape.

The Pear shape

-Smaller on top and wider on the bottom
Ultimate Goal: To create a sense of balance


· Wear Boat-neck and off the shoulder tops to balance the wideness of your hips

· Wear dark colors on the bottom, taking advantage of its slimming effect

· Stay away from side pockets and pleats on pants

· Stay away from drawstring pants

· Upper body should be the focus, so have fun with tops.

· Play with necklaces and earrings because they’ll attract attention up top.

· Mid-length or calf-length A line skirt should be a must in your wardrobe

· Mix and Match separate for size options!

-Tall and Slender
Ultimate Goal: To create proportions that keep you
from looking too lanky.


· Longer top is the choice

· Column shine in long skirts; the height allows them to look graceful in longer skirts.

· Stay away from super short minis.

· Beware of pants that have an extremely flared leg, it look visually off balanced for column.

· Layer! Layer! Layer! Column can handle the extra coverage; it adds style and dimension to the look.

· Shirts with exaggerated collars and exaggerated cuffs are very flattering!

· Column can wear large prints.

-Curvaceous with a full bust, small waist, full bottom
Ultimate Goal: Some might accuse hourglass of dressing sexy when they are not even trying and hourglass have the most sought-after body in history. So embrace those curves in a classy manner!


· Look for fitted tops that nip at the waist. Avoid full or billowy tops.

· A wrap dress is one of the most flattering styles that hourglass can wear. The wrap will highlight the waist and display sexy legs.

· Wear low-rise pants with a flared bottom that will minimize hip area and balance hourglass curves.

· To avoid looking like a double wide, make sure the top doesn’t stop at a point where the hips are the fullest.

· Hourglass’s best styles are fitted tops and dresses with a bias cut with stretchy fabrics

· Stretchy fabrics are the best as long as what you wear is not too tight to begin with!

· Less is really more when it comes to prints and patterns instead, wear solid colors.

Apple Figure
-Rounded figure, fuller bust and midsection, heavier arms and shapely lower legs
Ultimate goal: To create lines where none exist


· Try a v-neck with an empire waistline

· Opt for flowy fabrics like silk, rayon, gauzy cottons that makes the grade.

· Wear a stretchy fitted tank underneath to add support and hide any bumps or bulges.

· When feeling adventurous, go for a slightly larger pattern on tops and dresses,
where the colors are low-contrast and the pattern is constant.

· Consider narrow vertical stripes, which create a slimming line.

· Stay away from cargo pants, pockets on the side, or embellished pants

· Don’t wear tapered pants!

· Avoid wrap tops and halter dresses!


Shoulder, waist, and hips all the same width
Ultimate Goal: To create and accentuate a waistline that will give you the appearance of curves.


· Wear Belts!

· Always go straight for the dresses that gather or tie at the waist

· Corset tops are a must; they cinch the middle creating the illusion of a curvier figure.

· Don’t wear extremely low-rise pants

· Rectangle wants a slightly higher waist, which will give the illusion of the waist.

· Drawstring pants are wonderful for rectangle shape!

· Choose sleeveless tops to accentuate your gorgeous shoulders

· Opt for gauzy, flowing fabrics and soft Ruffles

· Asymmetrical hemlines is the best look for you

· Fitted tops and jackets, skirts that have a higher waistline are a must

Inverted Triangle
a large bust with narrow hips
Ultimate Goal: To draw attention to the lower body and create illusion of equal proportions.


· Always go straight for the vivid colors and prints for the bottom half.

· Pleated and tiered skirts add fullness

· Minimize bust with a deeper neckline

· V-neck and scoop necks that draw attention away from shoulders and bust!

· Avoid boat-necks, horizontal straps or any intense pattern dropped waist, a classic flapper style

P.s Just remember dress to suit your body type as well as your “personality style” is important especially for special occasion


Ok. In fashion world there is one word that refer to design that are experimental or innovative, and show an art and culture in the design. The word is Avant-Garde.

Basically, the concept of avant-garde belongs to the focus of art and culture of the 19th and 20th centuries.It has its origin in France and Italy, from which the avant-garde movements quickly expanded through the rest of Europe to Russia during the years of revolution in the 1920’s. Avant-garde is also a crucial part of American culture, which has faced its challenge openly.

Avant-garde art has many different appearances. French surrealism, for instance, has nothing in common with Russian constructivism, which again is very dissimilar to German expressionism or the Viennese secession movement. It is impossible to state that avant-garde is a style of art like others.

There are different theories about avant-garde back then. But nowadays, when plenty of books on avant-garde art are available, this have cause the illusion that avant-garde is one art style like others.

Back to fashion world, most of the designer were and still inspired by the avant-garde movements. For example, Cubism, pop art, conceptual art, constructivism, symbolism and etc. And from all of te telented designer, there are few designers that really famous for their avant-garde design. But from few designer i would like to share my two favorite avant-garde designers.

1.Alexander McQueen

His style showed up during his early runway collections that developed his reputation for controversy and shock tactics until he earned the title "i'enfant terrible" and "the hooligan of English fashion".

2.John Galliano

His first fashion show was in 1989 as part of Paris Fashion Week.
He also popular with his avant-garde design for Dior.


Actually, i love Gothic style. I started to love this style when i was doing a research about Gothic for my assignment. Why i love it so much because Gothic is the reflection of the darkness in the world. There are different types of Gothic. But usually for girls at japan they tend to go for Gothic Lolita which is more girlish. There also Gothic rock. Basically there are still lots of Goth subculture that i haven't mention in here.

The reasons why i write about this because Mr. J (i not really know him) have inspired me to write about this. I love black colour. I would like to share with you guys few designs with this style. hope you guys love it.....

As you can see... the colour scheme for Gothic style are black, and red. Here are two pic of my model posed for me....

just ignore the unmatch heels and dress... it was urgent photoshoot

Thanks to abigail for beeing my model...


Who said plus size people can't be sexy??? who said plus size can't wear beautiful dress. Since i'm interested in Evening Dress so i want to share with you guys beautiful evening dress made for plus size people.

Usually for plus size women , they can wear evening dress that have to many layers of cloth... it is because it will make them look extra large. Evening dress with turtle neck is so not suitable for plus size people because it gonna make your bust look bigger. Remember we want people to see how beautiful the wearer is but not how huge the bust.

I hope someday i can be a famous designer that known with plus size evening dress design. I inspired with my family that have huge body structure and it very hard for us to find really nice clothes. And as usual flair is my style.......


This November there will be Malaysia-International Fashion Week. Here is the schedule for the fashion week. (Click the pic)

If you want to know about this year M-IFW, you can click this link.


Yeah... we always use t-shirt to go anyway. I's comfortable, easy to wear and suitable to wear any time. But one question came across my mind.... when was t-shirt become famous?? emmm.....
So I've done a research about this....

So based on my research, t-shirt started off as underwear. During the First World War, European soldiers wore them underneath their uniform to keep worm. But then American troops copied them all call it t-shirt because of the t shape looks.

Then, during 1950's, a movie star shocked the world wearing only t-shirt as proper clothes on tv. So, since then the sports team, rock band, were all using t-shirt with their own logo on it to get notice.

So as you can see, from military-issue wear to iconic fashion statement.

Now t-shirt is like blank paper that we use to write on it. We decorate, put statement on it, all any other things. Thanks to the movie stars.. if not i think we still wearing shirt even after work.


Don't ever thing only the city need police service but fashion have their own police. Bring to you by the fashion police few crimes that will be bring up to the court for this month.

Bleach denim harem pants - two fashion crimes for the price of one

They’re doing this deliberately, aren’t they? No one could seriously have thought, “You know what would look great? Bleached denim harem pants! With an ugly elasticated waist! Let’s make it happen!” So we’re working on the assumption that they’re doing it just to annoy us. It’s working, too: seriously, two of our least favourite things EVER – bleached, 80s denim and a saggy crotch – together in one item. We feel like we’re being tortured slowly here. Add in the aforementioned elasticated waist, and we’ve got these on three separate counts.

Arnsdorf jersey bra dress: just what it sounds like

Yes, the cult of the trashy dress has taken a firm hold on the world of fashion, people. A dress just isn’t a dress any more unless it reveals at least one item of underwear, and preferably two. We’re just left wondering what on earth strippers and Katie Price are going to wear in the future, if the rest of us are all prancing around more or less in our underwear all the time? How will we be able to distinguish between hookers and fashionistas? Won’t someone please think of the strippers?!

Clothes-That-Are-Stuck-Together: Forever 21 Layered Pleated Woven Shirt

“Matching couldn’t be easier!” say Forever 21 of this garment. And yeah, we guess we can’t really argue with them there, because the shrug is attached to the shirt, so there’s really no matching to be done. And thank God, too, because matching white shirts with black shirts was SO HARD until this came along to save us all, wasn’t it? In fact, we’re not sure we’d have thought of doing this: black cardigan over white shirt, you say? Oooh, tricky! Rather you than us, Forever 21, rather you than us!

Harem Hell: Andrea Crews cheetah print harem pants

We think the back view of these is particularly awesome, don’t you? Who doesn’t love some, saggy, cheetah-print butt on a Wednesday morning?

I rest my case.....

credit to

Gaga Get Daze

While i'm trying to do some research about avant garde.. i saw Lady Gaga behind the scenes pic. It was during her video shoot for the new video. It's like displaying a very different side to this year's most exhilarating pop phenomenon. As usuall she come out with her great style of costume.

Here is a video while she's rehersing for her performance at London. (Credit to



I just found this book and it kinda fun to read it when u alone. These are few jokes that have inside the book.

A young couple is staying at a nudist campsite. ' When I tell you I Love you,' ask the young man, 'why do you always lower your eye?'

'To see if it's true.'


What's the difference between erotic and kinky?

Erotic is when you use a feather; kinky is when you use the whole chicken.


A blonde was in a sex shop and stopped at the dildo counter. 'I'd like that nice fat tartan one with the white top,' she politely asked the shop attendant, who replied: 'It's not for sale, love. That's my thermos flask.'


A young man with a particularly small penis takes his girlfriend to bed for the first time. Embarrassed at his lack of nob, he insists on turning out the light. In the darkness, he puts his erection into her hand and is understandably hurt when she says, ' No thanks, I don't smoke'.


A couple was getting frisky in a field. After giving her oral sex he said, 'Wow, I wish I had a torch'. 'So do I,' she said. 'You've been eating grass for the past ten minutes.'

When i have nothing to do or sad or emo i read this stuff... haha at least it makes me better. it's like 200 of dirty joke inside the book. And of kos i'm not only read this... i read other stuff too... i'm not freaking pervet... peace...

My Favorite

My Favorite Designer


He started to become famous when he made a dress for Naomi Campbell. And his strong, feminine aesthetic has make me love his design so much. He inspired me when it come to evening dress. I love to design evening dress, and what he has been produce have make me more inspired to design beautiful evening dress. Flair... flair... and more flair... gosh... i love it so much till u don't know what to say. Discovered by El and he such a talented designer. Just look at the dress he have made....

Done For Now

Done For Now !

Selama 2 minggu pergi balik ke kolej dari damansara dari pagi hingga ke malam. Perghh letih gila. Choir... Orchestra.. Sewing dresses... Raining each time i went to the college. Left few bucks in my account... motor problems... lost my key... feeling sick.... all in two weeks. But everything done for now i guest...

But yet all those thing that happened to me make me stronger. hahaha.. Any way... i still have fun during those time... Choir make me happy although during the real performance it turn into the most emberassing moment. It's like useless doing all those rehersal and sound check. Wasting time oni. But the ending was good though. Good enough to cover the 'kemaluan' yang dialami.

Orchestra make me think about my family. How they love music so much and the reason why i love to play music instrumment too...

But what make me happy the most was all the girls wore the dress that i do... I know it's not that good and pretty but what the hell i made it and they wear it. It better then ask them to sing nude...

The Dress.... (the original skirt is much more nicer then u see on the pic)

Tunku Abdul Rahman College were organising an event for the college anniversary. 40th Anniversary. So as a winner of the choir competition... Ceh... we have been invited to perform during the event. So we did. Like i mention just now.

Yup... that us

Same goes to TARCO.. Tunku Abdul Rahman Chamber Orchestra. It kinda new in TAR College.

TARCO (just few of us taking pic.... others gone.. haha)

As usual we have fun to gather. I mean really fun. Taking picture non stop. Like OMG ...

See... haha.. btw standing at the back row alone is our adviser.. haha beeing young for 2nd time....

Oh ya... that night most of the boys looks like girl.. haha... sorry but it's true...

P. S. i miss my key...

Choir Competition Video



I dah join Koir Kolej Tunku Abdul Rahman ni masuk tiga tahun dah. Yelah, tahun pertama tu baru lagikan. Tahun ke dua pulak ok lah seronok. Tapi segalanya ibarat baru bermula apabila Group Choir TAR Kolej akhirnya menjadi juara dalam pertandingan koir. Yang lebih menyeronokan lagi lagu yang I gubah menjadi tarikan juri. Waduh gembiranya. Tambahan pula baju gurlz semua i yang buat dan design. Tapi Tak lah grand sangat tapi bila dipakai sewaktu pertandingan nampak mewah jugalah warnanya.

Pertandingan koir ni di jalankan di PUSAT KONVENSYEN SUNWAY PIRAMID.

Dalam group koir macam biasalah ada 4 suara iaitu Tenor (I nyer part) (suara tinggi untuk lelaki), Soprano (suara tinggi untuk perempuan), Alto (suara rendah untuk perempuan) & Bass (suara rendah untuk lelaki). Maka, boleh dikatakan yang tahun semua part gempak giler and boleh dikatakan seimbang. Salut to u all lah.

Hah... Kan i cakap yang baju Gurlz i yang buat and design. Tak tau lah ok ke tak tapi i gembiralah dengan penampilan yang terserlah daripada diri gurlz koir ni. Dah masing-masing rasa macam model lah pulak. Mana tidaknya dah baju ketat, skirt ketat, pakai heels lagi (alamak dah lain macam lak bunyi nyer). Abaikan.. yang penting diorang nampak stunning.