Yeah... we always use t-shirt to go anyway. I's comfortable, easy to wear and suitable to wear any time. But one question came across my mind.... when was t-shirt become famous?? emmm.....
So I've done a research about this....

So based on my research, t-shirt started off as underwear. During the First World War, European soldiers wore them underneath their uniform to keep worm. But then American troops copied them all call it t-shirt because of the t shape looks.

Then, during 1950's, a movie star shocked the world wearing only t-shirt as proper clothes on tv. So, since then the sports team, rock band, were all using t-shirt with their own logo on it to get notice.

So as you can see, from military-issue wear to iconic fashion statement.

Now t-shirt is like blank paper that we use to write on it. We decorate, put statement on it, all any other things. Thanks to the movie stars.. if not i think we still wearing shirt even after work.

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