What the helll

People who have been tagged must write their answers on their blogs and tag 10 people. Those who are tagged cannot refuse. And after answering all the 100 question, they have to give the one who tagged them the link. The one who’ve been tagged before don’t have to do it once more.

01 Name: Azhar

02 Sex: Male

03 Email address: muhdazharzainalariffin89@yahoo.com haha

04 Birthdate: 22th November 1989

05 Family: Mom, Sis, Bro, Bro, Granpa, Granma , Sis & Bro in law

06 Height: 6.2 feet kot....

07 Weight: you don't want to ask me that question...

08 Something good about yourself : I love fashion

09 Something bad about yourself: I'm not fashionable

10 Describe your personality in one word: Shy... :p

11 Celebrities that you like: Michel Bubble........

12 Songs you like: Negaraku

13 Fav. Season: Raya season

14 Games you’re good at: Imagine fashion designer... owhhh love that game

15 My ideal woman or man : Ideal women should be tall and cute.. ideal man should be tall and cute..

16 If you have to choose between same age/older/younger: not to young not to old not same age..

17 Your mood right now: confused

18 What you have in your pocket right now: nothing..

19 Sleeping out: if i go holiday...

20 Alcohol tolerance: 1 bottle of beer... in dreams

21 Drinking habits: Lots enough to make... ( i don't drink)

22 How old were you the first time you drank: after i dead

23 When do you want to get married: After i got feeling with womenwhen the time come

24 About my singing: To shy

25 About my dancing: Shaking the earth

26 Something I want these days: KFC

27 When you’re home alone: I enjoy my 'happy time'

28 When you’re standing in front of the mirror: I move the mirror to the side

29 Clothes you’re wearing right now: Shirt and pants

30 How much money do you have in your wallet: RM958.75 so what?

31 What you want to buy for your girlfriend/ boyfriend : Dildo

32 Does height matter to you: Yup... don't want to make my gf look like my daughter

33 What song do you sing when you go to sing karaoke: Negaraku and Melaka Maju Jaya.. Proud to be Malaysian....

34 What would you do if you had plans with your friend but they never showed up: Get ready to go to the hospital guyz...

35 What would you do if the person you loved cheated on you: Cheat her back....

36 How long will you be able to wait for the person you love: You mean wait for her to come or wait or her to be my gf???? If you mean the second one..... I will wait for her while couple with someone else first..... uhhh i should do that.. it's fun

37 First kiss: With Unknown person in club.. hahaha not special...

38 A feature you feel doesn’t need to be fixed: My brain

39 Feature you feel should be fixed: My brain

40 People you miss the most right now: Kak lyn, Kak Dewi, Jaiz, Kak Hanis, Fatin Diyana, Hao....

41 First love: The movie super nice..

42 When you cried the most: Last year when i break up with my life partner..... for a certain reasons

43 When do you feel you’re grown up: Becoming a drama king

44 What you don’t like: Shout

45 When you felt happy: i keep it to my self... nah... i smile until until i'm tired

46 When you were most flabbergasted: finding out something sexy...

47 Best looking person of the opposite gender you’ve seen so far: Michle Jackson...???

48 Why aren’t you going out with anyone: busy busy busy... chating

49 What you feel towards that person: I just look at the person and keep looking.. and keep looking... still looking... and still looking... ok he's gone...

50 What would you say to the people actually reading this: You reading this???? OMG don't forget to bring your drinks while you reading this ok...

51 Something you’re most worried about: The planed not work out...

52 When do you look most weak: When people ask me to do something....

53 How do you NOT get dumped: Don't couple....

54 3 things a person NEEDS: Tissue, clothes and toilet

55 Your grades in school: Pretty bad

56 #1 on your phone: Me... incase i 4got the number.. haha

57 Phone company: Sonny Ericsson

58 Phone bill : RM60++

59 Place you want to go: Toilet...

60 Favorite TV program: TV program

61 Movie that pissed you off: Pissed you off

62 Movie you watched with most meaning: Freedom writers diary

63 Most recent movie watched: Freedom writers diary

64 Movie you want to recommend: Freedom writers diary

65 If you could become a character inside a movie: Samantha Jones from Sex and the city..

66 How many net cafes are you a member to: 10-10

67 Which do you go to most often: House cafe

68 What you feel about this cafe? : Cool because it my house

69 What you want to say to the starter of the cafe?: WTF

70 You believe it is okay to marry someone else to save the person that you love: What you feel?

71 What would you do if your parents didn’t bless your decision to get married: They will always bless me unless she's not muslim (but maybe they will)

72 Do you think you’re a player: hellllll yes and no

73 What time do you wake up: At hostel 7 0r 8 am something.. at hom at 2 or 3 p.m something

74 When you go to sleep: I'm used to 2 to 4 or 5

75 If someone you met for the first time asked for your number: What???

76 What would you do if you liked someone at a meeting: look at the person

77 Celebrity you want to go out with: Adibah noor....

78 How many kids do you want: as much as i can

79 Something you really want to be good at: Stripper.. nah.... violanist

80 What I want to be in 10 years: a DAD

81 Someone you’re jealous of right now: DBSK, DBSQ, TVXQ

82 A word that you use a lot: alah kiut....

83 What I do when I first wake up: get up from the bad and go to my friends bed and sleep again.. i should sleep right now.....

84 What would you do if you picked up a million dollars: open my fashion house

85 What would you do if you became invisible: Go to the toilet.... opppsss..

86 Singer you think is the best singing live:

87 Singers you don’t understand why they even sing: Monkey

88 A kind of man you don’t like: Evil

89 A kind of woman you don’t like: Sexy

90 What would you do if you found someone you love more than the person you’re dating right now: Think and think and think and think and just let the faith decide..

91 What would you feel if you met someone you’ve broken up with: Look at the person and keep looking...

92 Most important possession: My dick

93 What you do when you first get online: Open my email

94 What surprised you the most: Doing this...

95 What you do when you can’t fall asleep: i keep awake

96 What do you think you were in your past life: Madonna

97 If you were to be born again: no comment

98 What are you going to do after you finish this: Eating

99 How honest were you: Very the..

100 What do you want to say: KFC... FINGER LICKING GOOD. I LOVE NASI LEMAK!

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